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LCD screen settings (Black and White)

VoltBike electric bikes comes with LCD screen panel which offers many settings to adjust your bike. The settings below are compatible with Yukon 750, Elegant, Bravo and Mariner ebike models using the black and white Intelligent 800S screen panel. Those setting are already set for optimal performance when you receive your bike.

We usually don't recommend changing them, but in case you absolutely need to we provide an explanation for each setting:

S7 - (km/mile) Default is km, but it can be changed to miles.
bL1 - backlight brightness display (3)
OFf - auto time(min) display off (5)
W d - wheel diameter, Default; 28 (Yukon, Bravo, Outback), 22 (Nitro, Mariner), 24 (Trio), 26 (Elegant, Kodiak)
bU0 - voltage set (48V)

PSd - Password (1919)
SPL - Speed limit (Default; 32)
CUL - MAX Current Limit set (default 15A)
HAL - Magnetic Pole numbers of speed sensor (This will either be 1, or 6 depending on your particular motor)
ASS - 1-15 (default 12) # of Cadence magnets
HD6 - Disable throttle until the bike reach speed of 6km/h; 1=ON, 0=OFF (default 0)
HDp - toggles the throttle power/current level to match the PAS level. 1=ON; 0=OFF (default 0, full power independent of PAS level)
PAs - levels of assist (set to 0-9 default; 1-5)
DPd - Toggles password prompt when turning on the bike; 1=ON 0=OFF (default; 0)
PPs - Sets password for the password prompt feature (default; 0000)
*as soon as the password is set, it will be required to enter it upon turning on your bike, so it is crucial to remember what you entered*

Updated on 04 Apr 2024